Thursday, June 19, 2008

HNT #11 - Going Down.

I get a lot of comments about my legs and I am beginning to believe that they may be my best feature. If that is the case then you may be going to see a lot more leg pictures in the future. I can't really complain about my legs. They have looked after me in the past and I am doing my best to look after them now. There are a few scars on them from run-ins with barbed wire and wet slippery rocks, but I like to think of it as character. The knees ache a bit from my football days, but not enough to prevent me from running, cycling, and swimming every week. In general they have been fine legs and I hope they continue to be so for many years to come.

I titled this "Going Down" because it was my under shorts that were going down, but now I realise that it may have another meaning. (I just love things with 2 meanings. It enables you to say 1 thing and yet mean something completely different while still sounding like you never meant that at all.) This could also be the view that you get if you were going down.


for all things half-nekkid, go see Os.


Naughty K said...

Great pair of Calvins and yes, you do have absolutely awesome legs.. HHNT

White Light said...

I love me some Calvin Kleins ;-)


Dana said...

Oh yes ... double meanings ... they are fun, aren't they?


Sexy Duet said...

There is only one thing I love more than a sexy man in boxer briefs...and that would be a sexy man taking off his boxer briefs ;)

What a great view!!!

Happy HNT


Musns said...

You have lovely legs, just lovely.

Lavender Fields said...

Your such a tease.Pulling your shorts down like that.Lovely legs yet again.

Vixen said...

Oh yes...... You DO have nice legs. AND nice feet! ;)


Greg and Sheryl said...

Nothing comes between you and your Calvins. HHNT!

The Covert Lover said...

Nice legs & feet too!
"Going down" - just fits too perfectly doesn't it?

Baby said...

Again very nice legs as well as the Calvins give a nice touch! HHNT!!!!

Luka said...

There could be a triple meaning if this picture was also taken in a lift :)


JW said...

Ahhh yes - double entendres are a world of fun :)

Happy HNT!

Xem VanAdams said...

You are Soooo BAD, and thats Soooo HILARIOUS to Me.

Anonymous said...

yes, between my photo and your photo, i can definately see a good combination going on ;)


Ashly Star said...

Nice undies and you do have good legs! Happy HNT!

Polt said...

They are indeed sexy legs, and the undies are pretty hot too...


- said...

Happy *WHY yes U really do have sexy*good LEGS* HNT 2 U ; )

Lapis Ruber said...

You could be going up as well as going down :-) I'm very late getting round everybody today as I was away all day Thursday, so Happy HNT for yesterday!

Adam Apple said...

Thanks everyone for leaving a comment. I would like to respond to you all individually, but unfortunately time will not allow me to do that. Hopefully next week I can do that because I do appreciate your comments and like to leave a little comment of my own.