Thursday, May 29, 2008

HNT #8 - The Other Side

This is the other side of my hands, just in case you were wondering what they look like. Nothing very striking about them, although if you are skilled in the art of Palmistry then perhaps they will give you a glimpse into my future. I would be interested to know if you can. Do you feature in my future? That would be nice, don't you think? Just you and me , alone, with my hands to provide the entertainment. Oh what fun we would have.

If you want to join in the HNT fun then click HERE to visit Os and meet the other players.



Ashly Star said...

It looks like you have really defined lines in your hands. Mine are there but they don't show up quite so well. You have nice hands. =D Happy HNT!

Dana said...

Hands are very telling ...


Anonymous said...

Nice hands. I loved your story of what you do w/ them last week. HHNT!

tkkerouac said...

time for some man handling!
TK Kerouac's HNT

Luka said...



Vixen said...

Nice hands. :)


JW said...

Simple and effective :)

Happy HNT!

Greg and Sheryl said...

We're in good hands with Adam. HHNT!

Ms. Inconspicuous said...

*shiver* I *love* a guy's hands. They're one of the sexiest parts. Of course, that might be just because I imagine all the things they can do, or how they'll feel on my skin, but regardless. ;)

Happy HNT!

Baby said...

Great Hands! Happy HNT!! :)

Lapis Ruber said...

Apparently, if your second finger is longer than your third finger, it means you are very masculine. I think I could have guessed that anyway :-) Happy HNT (Belated).

Adam Apple said...

AR- I think they have always been like that.

Dana- if only mine could talk...

fairyflutters- everybody deserves to be touched like that.

TK- bring it on!

Luka, Vixen, & Ro- Thanks for your comments.

G & S- thanks for the vote of confidence and the play on words.

Ms Inconspicuous- Glad you enjoyed them.

Thanks Baby.

LR- Good guess.